treasury of quotes
and now i’m off to change my breeks,
‘cause the hero of the hour has shat his pants
- dougal mackenzie
afraid of dying? Don’t worry
it’ll be the last thing you do!
- unknown
life is wonderful… without it you’d be dead
- unknown
believing something is not impossible, makes it possible
-T. stashwick
where ever we go this family is our fortress
- Jake sully
To achieve great things, one must make great sacrifices
- Hank
“to say you have no choice is a failure of imagination”
- Jean luc picard
“There are moments in our lives we fear to relive
and others we long to repeat”
- Jean luc picard
“the era of sword and axe is nigh”
- siri
“the king can wait… we’re going on an adventure!”
- yarpen zigrin
“child of the elder blood, starry eyed daughter of chaos…
join our hunt; your place is among us”
- aetheist
“rise and rise again… until lambs become lions!”
- father of robinhood
“friendship means little when its convenient”
- john wick
“a good death only comes after a good life”
- john wick
“life and death are the same… both can have purpose”
- shogun
“Our lives are the sum of all our choices
- M.I.
“fools talk… cowards are silent… wise men listen”
- j.w.
“the enemy of my enemy is just one more person
that may knife me in my sleep”
- kovach
“courage is one part brave… three parts fool…
- eragon
“you better start believing in ghost stories…
you’re in one”
- barbosa
“you only have to forgive once… hate requires
too much work, you have to do it all the time…”
- the light between oceans

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